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Megan Besing


What did you want to be when you grew up?


I still pretend I'll be a ballerina one day, even though I didn't take my first class until my twenties. (And my last.)

Honestly, I wanted to be a kindergarden teacher.

Get Married.

And be a mom. 


Never once did becoming a writer cross my mind, until...


After much pleading from my husband, I finally picked up a fiction book and read. (See, I was more of: I'll wait until it comes out in movie form, kind of girl.) But thankfully, I get reading now. The characters. The worlds. The adventures. Love! Fast forward through two years of non-stop reading, and Ta-da, I wrote some stories, which led to me being represented now by Rachel Kent of Books & Such.  (Okay, so there was a lot more to it than that, but you get the idea.)


I'm a member of ACFW, a blogger here, and a past Regular Guest Contributor at Edgy Inspirational Romance and Straight Off The Page. My wide taste of reading can be found on GoodReads! And I like to procrastinate on Pinterest. (A lot.)


Random Facts:

I love-LOVE-love vanilla cokes, my mamaw's mashed tators, and cheese

I have a photography business

I love dating my husband

My kids usually beat me at UNO

Vacations-YES, please (especially: the beach, and the mountains, and creeks...)


My life's full of events that just don't happen to normal people. I mean, have you ever had a goat jump into your minivan when you're trying to go to town, watched your husband leave for 3 deployments, or receive a surprise adoption? And that's just the beginning! Wait until I tell you about the cross country trip with my in-laws. One RV made to sleep 6. Yes, we packed in 16. Exactly! See, this is why I think my life is secretively being taped for a reality tv show! Or perhaps God has "blessed" me with these memories to use as starting points for my stories.  Hang on tight. I hope you enjoy my randomness.


With Love and Prayers,

Megan Besing


Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

and lean not on your own understanding;

Proverbs 3:5 NIV

© 2013 Megan Besing 

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